Monday, September 26, 2005

Higher Ground

Courage is action.
Joy is strength.
Peace is the sum of joy.

You are life.
We are here to be.

Today I see switch hitters, butterfly nuts, white-collar looters, gay republicans in chaps, a hurt strong-man, un ángel en mis brazos, giants creeping up, and cops hanging out with naked people. Heavenly evolution. San Francisco is so beautiful.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Respect Me Not

Today the Governor of my State announced he will veto a bill that ends discrimination against a minority group of human beings. His press secretary actually made the announcement. She said the reason was "Out of respect for the will of the people".

With such a veto, also goes my pledge of allegiance "One nation, indivisible. with liberty and justice for all." How can I ever support dividing liberty and justice only to the Lord's chosen? Just what the hell kind of people are you anyway?

Perhaps the people would like to tie me to a fence and leave me in the sun to die. Shall we vote?

How should I now respect you? Should I scurry into my hole and pray for strength for my extermination? You would want that I just throw up my hands and surrender to the superior? Oh I'm just a girly-man faggot what do I know - I get it. Business as usual.

Well, today what I will pray is that the Governor will have the strength to do what is right. I improve and grow. I continue in the peace of joy.