Monday, October 31, 2005

Senate votes to increase suffering of HIV+ people

Not even the republicans can pass a bill to help just a little. Maybe I should redecorate instead of taking my meds. Makes sense to me!

More old white men. On and on and on. The real people on the waiting lists will just get sicker and sicker.


Thursday, October 27, 2005

Bank Of America salutes Americans with disabilities

By using tricky “you should have known” accounting to charge me $93.

That's a whole lot of money to me, it's a rounding error to them.

Their apologies were profuse but the fee still stands. It's the policy. It's fair to them.

We have made hypocrisy and posturing the cultural values of the day. We would rather see pretend fidelity with feel good speak anyway. Turns out the truth is also relative for fascists.

When the largest and the richest around start talking about "the right thing to do" we are all in big trouble.


Monday, October 17, 2005

You Spin Me Right Round

Can any of you play a record still? Just wondering!

Gang riots in Toledo? Houston we have a problem.

So now everybody knows what it's like to be called sexist and elitist by a good old boy jerk. One way loyalty is a form of slavery.

What part of incompetence will protect us?

So it's October again and guess what? Out of Flu shots. Yet another shortage. I bet the cronies got their shot. People this is something that happens every year and they can't even get that right. So 25 million people won't get a shot... it's their own fault for not being born rich.

Merry Christmas.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Stress Tax

If evolution is just a theory, then so is the Avian flu pandemic.

What is the cost of a doctrine of stress? Will you foot the bill with your health? Your kids' health?

What do you think causes more societal stress, gay marriage or straight divorces? Rich getting richer or the poor getting poorer? Women's rights or overpopulation? Food taxes or inheritance taxes? Corporate profits or corporate losses? Borrowing money from China or a trade embargo on Cuba?

Federal incompetence or federal indifference? Honesty or arm twisting? Blow jobs or Enron employees?

Our world has been bushwhacked and we can no longer afford it.

Reality is in your head. Implement vision.