Friday, May 12, 2006

Lifetime Penalty

Finally, a term that slips through the Republican Phraseology Reinvestor.

On May 15, 2006, every American that has not signed up for a Medicare Part-D drug coverage plan will be assessed a penalty when they finally do. If it doesn't affect you now, at least you have your health.

This is a fee for being old and poor, but not too sick until after Monday. Neocompassionate neoconsertivitism.

Charging outrageous prices for saving your life is just good capitalism. You should be rich and save your money in case something might happen. The economy is doing great!

Caller ID

Now look. I have to PAY the dsl/cell/local/long distance/ballpark company to see who is calling me. An additional fee for Call Waiting Caller ID, like it's really so much more complicated than regular caller ID. If they are going to tell President Bush who's calling it seems only decent to inform me as well.

OK So there's a nerd in the corner wearing a cheap NSAT&T cap writing down every phone number, time, and duration of your teenage daughters phone usage. Can't tell you what he's going to do with all that data, we're in a time of war you know. It's not like it's some monster with a gun or one of those DateLine child molesters.

Do you know what this collection of data is now worth? It is the ULTIMATE reality show. It is pure treasure.

So is it civil disobedience if I pick up my phone and call a random number? What if we all call the White House just to check-in?

Friday, May 05, 2006

Abomonial Gayman

Iraqi police kill teen over gay sex work

So this is what my tax dollars are doing for Iraq. Training murderers to slay children in a petty fatwa.

What gets me is that, in my experience, Christian America won't object. Won't say a word or even a prayer.

The struggle for gay civil rights is not like the American Civil War and the fight to end slavery. It's much, much, much bigger. The global suffering and carnage is beyond imagination. I know many think it's a joke, probably even God.

You want to stop terror? Start with yourself.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Save The Internet

Please tell your congress person you want free choice and network neutrality. Or let AT&T pick which sites you want to see.

Save the Net