Tranquility Base
Global = World
War = WAR
Terrorist = Those against US
I wonder what it's like to be one of our leaders. To hate people so much we send others to kill them. If we can't kill them, then you have them destroyed. All along we dine and hunt and holiday and whatever. I wonder if the Walgreens computer calls us at 11:00AM on Sunday to remind us our prescriptions are ready.
I wonder what it's like to have a good credit score. I wonder if people actually enjoy it as much as they should. It's the modern caste designation and if you don't believe me then yours is better than mine. The most delicious part is that it's definition is opaque. Get used to it. Can your kids spell opaque?
Hell I wonder what it's like to have clean carpet. I have been told to "stop whining and get on with life". Oh yea the pharmacy.