Please Hold On
OK, I know, I started the whole thing with a conjunction. BUT I have a good excuse! Dr. Rob Eichberg was the man who coined the phrase, "And there's more...". He was essentially referring to the richness and fullness of life and truth. I also found it an ironic reminder of how our language prevents us from sharing even the most important stuff because of time or circumstance. Anyhow, Rob was kind of a jerk, but in a really incredibly good way. He challenged me when I was young and invincible. He proved to me that love does conquer all. I miss him and do think about him often. He would have liked the blogs, they are a fantastic conduit for growth.
I'm not sure how well I will do at this, I already spend way to much time at the computer. But I think it can be a kind of outlet that I could really leverage for my sanity, and perhaps say some of the things that I never get the time to say. Sounds like fun, eh?!
1 comment:
Welcome to the blogosphere Jack! We all have a voice here…a global voice. Sometimes people actually listen. I look forward to hearing what you have to say.
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