Q: When is a contract not a contract?
A: When it is signed by Donald Rumsfeld.
A couple weeks ago I was flipping through the channels, nothing special. Got to C-SPAN, and they were showing the oral arguments presented to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The case was Santiago vs. Rumsfeld.
A&C Santiago v. Rumsfeld
If you don't want to spend an hour watching court - the gist is that 8 years ago an 18 year old kid signed up for the Army Reserves. The document he signed that day specifically stated that his term of service was 8 years. Truly forever to an 18 year old.
Anyway, despite a lengthy and detailed section about things that could change or extend the 8 years, nowhere in said document is there any mention of statute 12305. 12305 is Pentagon lingo for the "Stop-Loss" policy. Basically it says that if the President declares a state of "emergency" - the Army Reserve can require soldiers to stay until the "emergency" is over.
Really, that sounds reasonable. I mean, if we need you then we need you. But truly the intention had to be for purposefully narrow interpretation related to specialized training and some specific "emergency" situation. I mean, it is inconceivable that any individual soldier be so uniquely qualified for some task that they cannot be replaced. If such a thing were true the military could not continue. Once and a while it might be that some were closer or more available, but even in such cases, if it truly is mission critical, there has to be capable back-up. Right? The army knows the tour is ending. "Army of one" is really just an expression?
Well, not for a neo-con. 9/11/2001 provided the unparalleled opportunity for this President to declare a state of "emergency" against an idea. You do not kill ideas with guns. Murdering terrorist does not stop the idea of terrorism. There is no means of measure, no rules of engagement, and most importantly no desire of exit. 12305 wasn't the only handy statue to activate. The "emergency" requires us to bend, or just temporarily break, most of the rules. For the country. The policy is that the "emergency" will continue until we defeat terrorism. Now we can debate just what kind of torture is humane.
Do you give yourself freely to the Borg?
Of course, the radical extremist activist judges decided for Rumsfeld stating that the military was not bound by contract law. Thus, apparently, imaginary inclusion of the statue is sufficient. What it literally means is that the volunteer military have agreed to be slaves. There is no law against it. They must do what we say, forever.
Frankly, I find this obscene. Revolting, bureaucratic bullshit. It is without honor.
Also, I've never met anyone who served and would not, if the cause be just and they were the only one that could help, be happy to volunteer for a mission. It is the very nature of their being. It's why they signed up in the first place.
It highlights the world view the ruling class has always maintained. Despite the shroud of Democracy, the proletariat still stand on the backs of the people. Richer now than ever before. Entrenched into the most powerful and influential institutions on this whole world.
We are the sheep.