Thursday, December 29, 2005

Jack's Elecit Sex Partners Volume 1

Yes that's right, Table X5 in the CDC's new "PEMS" HIV tracking database. Let me rephrase. Starting in 2006, next week, the government is going to require me to actually report people with whom I engage in and types of "risky" behavior and which drugs I take, and when of course. They want to make me healthier. I mean seriously. I am the threat. Literally, monitor my ass.

Feds Ask Questions, HIV Preventionistas Squirm

All from this amazingly tired and transparent piece of meaningless propaganda dribble actually from the CDC (see slide 8!):

Overview of the HIV Prevention Program Evaluation & Monitoring System

Just because you can turn something into a power-point presentation doesn't make it not a fascist, homophobic, insulting, degrading, offensive and for me even pornographic. I know pornography when I see it and THAT is pornography. You can really feel the perversion.

This is an outrageous violation of a moral code that the Bush administration can not even comprehend. I did not survive AIDS to be a damn populous in the twisted right's db of unclean fags.

Sweetie pie, there's a man here says his name is Bushie and he just wants to move in and watch us fuck and maybe videotape a little. You don't mind do you?


Unknown said...

I am looking forward to volume 2

Anonymous said...

Christ Jack,your fucking kidding me... The theocrat sex nazis strike again! I'm at a loss for words. This is downright perverse. This certainly cant be what our founding fathers envisaged for our country. I don't recall anyone busting Ben Franklin's STD spreading balls!
Sorry about the anonymous post... I can't seem to log on to my account. JON