Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Today marks the 62ed anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Normandy. It is a pivotal moment in the short history of man. It is a monument to bravery and a vivid reminder of the price of peace. The souls involved will always be an inspiration.

Today I have watched the Senate of the United States posture and redeem their debts, pandering for righteousness no less. Now I could go off for days about all this crap, y'all know that. Not to mention that pesky war thing. Anyway, pshaw.

I am going to boil this all down: When I see a straight, rich, white, land-owning male talking about "traditional marriage" I also see clearly that what you and I call marriage is nowhere near what this guy is talking about nor the traditional meaning, much less "since the beginning of time" as said by the congressman. Power is so sexy. Mr. President I move that we adjourn until they cover that big, thick quorum. It's so distracting.

The fact that the constitution protects all of us is the source of its worthiness of allegiance.

I am beginning to think my fatigue is being caused by the President of the United States standing on my back. I doubt that's covered in my policy. Now I have to go back to the pharmacy and have the monthly incompetence tirade.

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