Monday, July 24, 2006

God You Smurf Me Too

I'm serious people, when your time comes...

Two killed in Britain as inflatable art takes off

Again, this morning, I awoke to find two guys emptying the FOUR dumpsters for the building into the alley looking for recyclables. It was broad daylight, the garage across the way was open, people were just ignoring it because it's not their problem. The economy is strong, the tax breaks are working, and we are safer than ever before.

Some people seem able to suspend their disbelief and carry on the premise it will be alright in the end. Some part of me wishes I could remember what that felt like. Grim is the nature of the future. Now is the only time we have. You can change the future only by acting now. Be beautiful. Love thy stupid insane neighbor, even if that means calling security to get them out of your dumpster.

More than a few have implied that this perspective is a root issue with my general discontent. With that comes the idea that I should choose some other perspective so things don't feel so bad. I always find myself seriously considering it until the pain shoots up from my feet again and reminds me what perspective really is.

God wants a big war. Grab your annotated literature and automatic weapon.
Veto hope and let's go.

P.S. More love, from God

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