Thursday, November 01, 2007

And there is no more.

When you draw your line, you've got to be prepared to defend your flanks. If your enemy finds a way around, your position and tactics are compromised. There are a number of strategies you can employ at this point, you can look them up if you want, but suffice to say the bulk of these lead to retreat. Then you regroup and restage to reform a more defensible line.

Unfortunately, however, if that keeps up for long, you reach a place where there is no exit. All your lines are gone and somebody else is doing the drawing. If you surrender, you might be tolerated. If you resist, are a criminal.

There is really no limit to how far it can go. Everything you think that has value only has value here and now and only because you are there to give it value. The value is not the thing itself, but your perception of the thing.

It can all be lost forever like a kite in the wind.

Sleep and eat.  That's what I'm supposed to do.  All the while I'm being endlessly hounded by countless minions of policy with the triple-press forms of death.  Sign here, initial that, give us the right to banish my cat.  Miss one question, or check the wrong box, include the wrong receipt, and my coverage is canceled.  I can refuse but my coverage will be canceled.  If I get agitated we won't feel safe and I will get arrested and my coverage will be canceled.  And after the policy review, for some reason unbeknownst, my coverage might be canceled. I might consider getting a lawyer or that is it: I am out of the system.

Just so, I can get the drugs, that keep me alive, but can't make me well - in fact they make me feel sick. I have to go to the doctor to get the right drugs, and I have to go to the lab so he can measure the results. Then back to the pharmacy to pick up another script, or not. Repeat for 30 years.


Become one or die and be one.  You figure it out.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

X-mas Redux

For months Mom has been trying to get me to set a date for a trip home this Christmas. I didn't get to go the last couple of years, so she has a point. I actually promised her back on Mothers Day that I would "make it happen".

Well today she called and it turns out my sister-in-law has "scheduled" to have her 3rd baby right in the middle of November! Oh that is such wonderful news!! I am so glad everything is OK. So have I made any plans to go home yet? No, Mom, I haven't really thought about it this week. "Well, I guess that's for probably for the best since it will just be so crazy around here."

The truth is that they don't want me anywhere near the newborn. There is an infinitesimal chance that I could infect the baby with pneumonia. Suddenly, science sounds all rational. I'm sure it's best for everybody. I really do understand.

So let me be the first to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas! Shit that's going to take a lot more practice.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Republicans Hate Children

I just saw Trent Lott (R - Mississippi) glibly condemn 60,000 kids from his own fucking state to suffer needlessly and quite possibly die.

The president wants to remove 100,000 MORE children from SCHIP. I'm sure it's about some principal or another.

All they really care about is themselves.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

American Health Care

What could be worse than living through your brain being eaten away from the inside???

What can't think of anything? How about being blind and having cancer and being thrown off your balcony because it is too expensive to pay for your care.

Even death will not end the pathetic and meaningless posturing and judgement. A Navy Vet, nonetheless.

I really am tired of this world. I don't know how to say that any clearer.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

AAA Slime

For some reason, the markets are all confused. On paper, the economy looks fine. All the people who make their living in finance are making money hand-over fist. So, by their beloved Reaganomics, they "trickle it down" to us consumer grade folk and we're all obviously living large.

Oh except those gross subprimes. Those lazy bastards who actually believed the refi marketing hype. But now they be overextended and can't pay they notes, and shit. But don't you worry, the goldilocks economy is doing great! The market is higher than ever! Just look at these numbers!

Wait, now, I can explain. Some of the A Lines are, well, defaulting. Well, more than usual, in fact, maybe a lot more. No big deal, everybody relax, it only means that we have to readjust everybody's credit rating, just a little bit, down.

It only means that more people than ever will have bad credit or no credit at all. Our economy is based on profits, not credit - right?!

I look at it this way: I could have been a AAA Line guy. I could have the credit collectors calling about that $30 million dollar loan, remember?! How do you plan to pay that back exactly, Jack? Have you had these assets recently appraised, Jack?

But this does not mean that the economy is ill. Stop saying that! Sure there are some inequalities, but only for the stupid people, really. We've got to thin the heard. It's only nature. It will all work out eventually. You know, status quo.

Right now it looks like gas could raise up to $4.50 before it really began to "adversely affect demand". Hence, $4.50 becomes the target price, since that is what the market will bear. So when you see the gas at $4.44, and you start to wonder in your mind how your going to stop using so much gasoline, remember I told you today, it's too late. You can do something right now. You can move your demand curve. Not a gesture, nor token, nor misdirected rage. Just make a simple plan. A simple way to cut down on the gas you need, forever. Combining trips, a different route, a carpool on Tuesdays, sell your car, be creative. When the price of gas falls back to $3.44, you keep the plan going. Find better and better ways. Improve your generous yield. Grow your human capital. Reinvest the dividend of your fine time.

Care for the plants and animals. Care for the birds and the fishes. Care for the children and their mothers. Care for the sisters and the brothers. Care for the sick and the needy. Care for the friends and the enemies. Care for the men and their weary souls. Care for all this and care for all of us.

The ability to care is a fundamental part of the true gift of being human. It's risky, but don't give up on it. They may seem little or insignificant but so what they're your cares. Just care good, you only get one shot.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Medco + Walgreens = Death

“Medcations that you need for more that 3 months are considered "maintenance medications" and are not covered by your prescription insurance.”
You know, one dude gets messed up in fighting dogs and everybody has condemned him to "a special place in hell". You christians can be so colorful in your language.

Yet when men fight each other we turn it into a reality TV show.

When a soulless corporate abstraction determines they could save a buck by making me suffer - it's not wrong. "We" have a law that makes that a requirement for them to try and make a profit off our fears of getting sick. Of course when you do finally get sick (and you ALL WILL GET SICK) you are no longer covered.

Stupid Americans. The price of gas will never go down. You will get sick before you get rich.


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Monster Hoax

Damn, well, I've seen some big ugly pigs, but nothing quite like that.

If there is one single word that most accurately describes this world it's "unfortunate".

Y'all have fun.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Monster Pig

The military component of the Iraq "invasion" was completely successfully within the first 3 months of the effort. The troops have done their job and I am proud of them. Their leaders have created the worst America I have ever dared to imagine.

I have given up my rights to have a private phone call, my rights to keep my medical history private, my rights to congregate in public, my rights to free speech, my guarantee to my pursuit of happiness, my rights to self-determination, my rights to travel freely, the list just goes on and on and on.

But give up, even for security, even in the slightest degree, my right to "Bear Arms" - why that's just unamerican. Your child may not know anything about physics or calculus or microbiology, save the truths of Genesis, and certainly not anything about civics or geography, but you better believe they know all about shooting, killing and breeding. And all about all forms of assault weapons. Monsters are vicious.

Somebody shoot some goats, it sparks outrage and a reward. A elementary school kid kills a pig and he's some sort of hero?

Whatever, America. God will save you.

You are either for war or against war.
A vote for war is a vote for death.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Whales, Goats, and Kids

There's a hero, a reward and an fucking tragedy.

I can't help but notice a slight difference in these stories. One of these is a block away from me. The other two are far more important to everybody here. I guess some animals are worth the effort.

Whales stressed, suffering

15 goats, used for fire control in Oakland hills, shot dead

Teen shooting victim dies at S.F. General

But "that's the system we have", and so that is the system we will get.

Horny Like An Old, Old, Old, Wolf

.... More of this kind of camoflauge more than just color and shape
Who's going now

Friday, May 18, 2007

Moral Certitude

Nothing I have ever seen on live TV was ever quite so offensive as the people of South Carolina cheering and applauding for torture. Yuck. That is fucking perverted. I'd rather watch actual torture?

I can't believe the republicans with their sacrilege 11th commandment are actually torturing the distinguished Senator McCain to brainwash him and get him to say that he thinks torture is acceptable. Commie bastards!

The vile judgement of FOX anchor people who seem unanimous that even stopping to think about it is somehow giving into evil. Oh the irony in FOX trying to get the public to want torture. Maybe they can have a reality show where contestants vie to be the best torturer, sponsored by HEAD-ON. Of course, we'd all watch to see the ones who just butcher the audition.

No wonder people need drugs to relax, drugs to sleep, drugs to wake up, drugs to make it through, drugs to make it stop, drugs to keep you going. You people need to buy more drugs. Do whatever you want to anybody else, and ask your doctor for Jacktopiaset. Side effect may include blindness, insanity, and a runny soul.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Violent Cheeseburgers

There is no "Wendy's" restaurant in all of San Francisco. Once there was a bunch, especially downtown, then they all closed up and changed their slogan to "Do what tastes Right." Apparently the BiggeE fries don't taste right enough in this county. Here is the YouTube: Wendy's Femmes Anomaly

Hey you know what bands need money too. It's stupid not to dock your boat in the corporate bay. The corporate economy is doing great!! What's even better is that some lazy ass gen-xers got paid to convince them that putting this crazy music in the background broadens their target market. In reality it makes them appear insane.

I mean the BeeGees for Keiser? Yikes. The Advertising Industry continues to shoot itself in a panic over the internet. You can hardly find any product without some superhuman justification or "simulated" results. Unless of course, it's coming from a fictional character, in which case all things are possible. I know when I'm in a serious accident and can't work I'm supposed to look for a duck to take care of me.

Meanwhile, the products themselves are minimized and cost-cut into ever increasing profit margins. More and more pressure exists every day maximize the revenue streams. If a big company is doing great it usually means they are getting the maximum exploitation from their potential receptacles.

We have the technology right now to provide food, health care, shelter, clothing, and information to every human being. We don't even try.

"I'd stop the world and melt instead of living that nightmare capitalist fantasy."
"I'm high as a kite and I just might stop and vomit up a fascist heavy on the pig."

OK yea whatever. Now get back to work poser!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Love Generation

Anybody with a gun is dangerous.
Anybody with a gun is a threat.
No amount of background checks,
No amount of training,
No amount of licensing,
will bring those bullets back.

But then again, we all know that. Defend yourself.

Obviously the solution here is to require all students to purchase and carry a firearm. Certainly, that would prevent the sort of tragedies we see today. Probably everybody should have one because tragedies don't just happen at school.

Now, in the greatest of all ironies, the "Pro-Lifers" will stand and sing in unison "Glory to Gun on the Highest and on Earth, Peace and good hunting towards men!"

Can I get a pop-pop?

Monday, April 16, 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Jack DaBamb

It just seems to me that the idea that we "fight them over there" so we don't have to "fight them over here" is fundamentally weak. It's like saying “We'll have the party at the neighbors house because I just got my furniture arranged the way I like it. Now be a sugar and bring my semi-automatic high-powered disabled bird stabilizer. I want to exercise my morality before I go back to engineering righteousness.”

I think what we learned on September 11th was that Americans will not be terrorized on our own soil - or in our skys. We would vote to take down our own plane ourselves rather than let a madman possibly kill thousands more. That is just day one. The tip of the iceberg. We love our home and we will protect and defend it.

That is the message I believe we should be sending the terrorist: in OUR country, freedom wins.

Our current posture in Iraq is a primary factor in the problem manifest. We say the very fabric of our own security is threatened, yet presently our National Guard is occupied with far away affairs. If changing the posture will demonstrably help everybody, what is the hold up? Ego?

What right really do we have to go "over" anywhere and declare American Martial Law? Iraq is no threat. Iran is no threat. How fucking fragile is our republic if these little skeeters can bring us down? And again, if it really is so fucking fragile and fucking precious, shouldn't the fucking Army be here to hella fucking defend it?

If I saw a terrorist on the cable car I would act. I know I'm not the only liberal faggot San Franciscan who would. It seems that any average American is braver than the entire executive branch and their cronies combined. Mr. President, ENOUGH ALREADY.

It aught to be a crime to district all our minds from the truth at hand and our happiness plans. Truth is life.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Terrorist Bold

How do you beat the United States Military?

You hit them in the cohesion, and you pound until you reach their precious, little, morale. You don't have to have any weapons or even true intent, just resolve to observe reality. Everyone is capable of, and probably guilty of, this treasonous debauchery except of course true Republicans.

The "Divine Right" in simply incapable of knowingly sinning. Even in such a rare and impossible circumstance where they might have, uh, made better choices, oh yes such weakness is the direct result of their wretched humanity which is instamatically nullified upon repentance. Sadly, the "Divine Left" is equally as "touched" and equally convinced of their own righteousness.

Seriously, why don't people scoff when in just 3 weeks an evangelical minster goes from white party troll hole "back" to perfect child of god. Oh wait, people do scoff, and nobody believes him. Just imagine what happens if his blood work comes back reactive! Seriously, sad.

Terrorism is relative and comes in every shape, size, density, latitude, and sort. It also comes in every variety of good and evil. Is Luke Skywalker a terrorist?

Terrorist fight. That is their nature, and their weakness. It is nothing new: a pack of wolves can terrorize a bear. Can you stop a wolf from being a wolf? Hell no. Would the wolves rather kill cows? Hell yes. Is a wolf a terrorist? Hell superposition.

These human terrorist are fighting for the dominion of our souls. I know it sounds dramatic but it's true. The problem is, "us" non-terrorist also happen to have a "DOS" claim. Now I know that we espouse "freedom" of religion, but only as long as your "beliefs" don't threaten our stake, see. But you can't wage WAR with the United States military for God. That would be crazy.

But the Vice-President himself "emboldened" the terrorist to bomb a US Military base he was visiting. The terrorist bombed the place just because he was there. "Unfortunately" the greater analogy was lost on our leadership. Not even reality can infringe on their enthusiasm for WAR. Of course, HE probably won't go back, but that's just a security issue.

I am slowly realizing that the emptiness I feel is not coming from inside. I find it in our leadership, where power and money are an end in themselves. I find it in our philosophy which seems reactive and rehashed. I find it in our language that seems destined for lingoistic oblivion. I find it in our economy which could (will) all become worthless in a few seconds - because of how somebody, somewhere, feels about a glitch in something. I find it in our dreams and desires - all cleverly crafted by campaigns to manipulate, exploit, and sustain want. I find it in the prescribed solution - to wallow on your belly for your deity. I find it in our science, which serves ONLY profit as master (R)(TM)(C)(P). I find it in our law, which delivers policy as justice. I find it in our art, which seems to be done. I find it in our relationships, where shallow is real progress. I find it in our fight which "regretfully" we must pursue with all necessary force until somebody offers "a better solution". I find it in our rhetoric which is one big spider-hole.

For some reason today I am alive with the fullness of the transcendental emptiness that is humanity. The monster in me sees this whole thing "filled" with tragically empty hilariousness. No wonder Jerry Springer is rich. David Letterman will never run out of stupid human tricks. Ha Ha Ha, HA HA HA, Ha Ha Ha.

You know what's really funny? You know what makes us really different? Nothing. We're all different like blades of grass. Why can't we all just mow along? You whack my weed, I'll whack yours.

Hmmmm. Let's see, locked in place, restrained, confined, observed, trapped, misled, ignored. Exactly who doesn't feel this way? Since we aren't precisely sure about true Dominion, imprisonment of the soul will have to do.

"All I wanted was a Pepsi." And now I understand: that is crazy.