Violent Cheeseburgers
There is no "Wendy's" restaurant in all of San Francisco. Once there was a bunch, especially downtown, then they all closed up and changed their slogan to "Do what tastes Right." Apparently the BiggeE fries don't taste right enough in this county. Here is the YouTube: Wendy's Femmes Anomaly
Hey you know what bands need money too. It's stupid not to dock your boat in the corporate bay. The corporate economy is doing great!! What's even better is that some lazy ass gen-xers got paid to convince them that putting this crazy music in the background broadens their target market. In reality it makes them appear insane.
I mean the BeeGees for Keiser? Yikes. The Advertising Industry continues to shoot itself in a panic over the internet. You can hardly find any product without some superhuman justification or "simulated" results. Unless of course, it's coming from a fictional character, in which case all things are possible. I know when I'm in a serious accident and can't work I'm supposed to look for a duck to take care of me.
Meanwhile, the products themselves are minimized and cost-cut into ever increasing profit margins. More and more pressure exists every day maximize the revenue streams. If a big company is doing great it usually means they are getting the maximum exploitation from their potential receptacles.
We have the technology right now to provide food, health care, shelter, clothing, and information to every human being. We don't even try.
"I'd stop the world and melt instead of living that nightmare capitalist fantasy."
"I'm high as a kite and I just might stop and vomit up a fascist heavy on the pig."
OK yea whatever. Now get back to work poser!
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