Thursday, September 08, 2005

Respect Me Not

Today the Governor of my State announced he will veto a bill that ends discrimination against a minority group of human beings. His press secretary actually made the announcement. She said the reason was "Out of respect for the will of the people".

With such a veto, also goes my pledge of allegiance "One nation, indivisible. with liberty and justice for all." How can I ever support dividing liberty and justice only to the Lord's chosen? Just what the hell kind of people are you anyway?

Perhaps the people would like to tie me to a fence and leave me in the sun to die. Shall we vote?

How should I now respect you? Should I scurry into my hole and pray for strength for my extermination? You would want that I just throw up my hands and surrender to the superior? Oh I'm just a girly-man faggot what do I know - I get it. Business as usual.

Well, today what I will pray is that the Governor will have the strength to do what is right. I improve and grow. I continue in the peace of joy.

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